Do you sometimes feel you run around like a headless chicken, not knowing what to focus on next in your business? Or maybe you have so many things on your plate that you have a hard time prioritizing what to do first? If this is the case, you need to redefine your business goals with… [Read More…]
5 TED Talks That Inspire You to Think Big and Change Your Life
I am a big fan of TEDx talks, especially because they help us answer some of the big questions we face in online business. How do you inspire people? How do you inspire people to think big? How do you inspire people to change their lives? By presenting ‘ideas worth spreading’ the TED conference and the… [Read More…]
How I grew my mailing list over 200% in only 8 weeks
I am a fairly lazy blogger. I don’t like to write about fluff (=nothing) or to write every week just to keep a self-imposed schedule. To me, growing my mailing list is more important – and I want to have an engaged list, who looks forward to hearing from me. I love to write, but… [Read More…]
How I got my blog post on the first page on Google without spending any money
I recently discovered that one of my most popular blog posts had made it to the first page on Google and is now NR.1! I want to share with you how I did this without spending any money, without guest posting, and without doing much promotion at all. Here are the 12 steps that I took for this… [Read More…]
Stop Thinking. Start Doing!
Have you ever wanted to start something big (like starting a business) and then you thought you should think about it first? Think again. In fact, don’t. Stop thinking altogether, and start doing! Thinking only brings us forward in inches. Doing brings us forward in miles. What follows is my story of creating my business… [Read More…]