Everybody loves a good story. And when you hear or read a good story, you can easily remember it and share it. In fact, a memorable story can shape your passions for years to come. That is why I love reading non-fiction books that have stories to convey their message. I also believe that the stories… [Read More…]
How Your Childhood Stories Reveal Your Passions
I believe that the Universe is out to help us. And by Universe I don’t mean anything religious. I mean it as a concept. If you know what you want, you are more likely to get what you want, because you are aware. It also works the other way around. The Universe will tell you… [Read More…]
What is Your True Calling? It is Your Job to Find Out
I truly believe that everyone has a calling – or passion which is the word I prefer to use. I also believe that everybody can be an entrepreneur – especially if they follow their passion. The question I used to ask myself There was one question I frequently asked myself – “what is… [Read More…]
Why “Start Before You Are Ready” Is The Only Way
You are reading my first blog post. It took me forever to sit down and write this blog post. Why? Because I didn’t feel I was ready! This taught me an important lesson – the idea of “ready” is false. There is no perfect time. If you want to create a blog a blog for… [Read More…]