So many aspire to turn their passion into a business but so few actually do. Why? It is not lack of passion. It is not lack of ideas. It is not lack of customers. It is fear. Only a four letter word. How can this little word be so powerful? The purpose of fear is… [Read More…]
How Tony Robbins Helped Me Find True Love and Passion
at In February 2008, I saw Tony Robbins live for the first time. What I didn’t realise is that this encounter would change my life, literally. Why Tony Robbins? At the time, I was a CEO on gardening leave and a certified Dale Carnegie trainer living in London. I had heard about Tony Robbins from… [Read More…]
Creating a Business from Your Pain
Why would you want to create a business from your painful experience? You care. It is on your mind all the time. You have become an expert in this area. These are just three of the compelling reasons why you can create a business from your pain. Pain Changes You I have had my share… [Read More…]
How to start a company in Switzerland
I have been meaning to write about this topic for a long time. I can’t wait any longer, as I am getting almost daily inquiries on how to start a company in Switzerland. By answering the most frequent questions I hope to be able to help more quickly in the future. So let’s dig in… [Read More…]
Stop Thinking. Start Doing!
Have you ever wanted to start something big (like starting a business) and then you thought you should think about it first? Think again. In fact, don’t. Stop thinking altogether, and start doing! Thinking only brings us forward in inches. Doing brings us forward in miles. What follows is my story of creating my business… [Read More…]