You have this nagging feeling that you are sitting on a goldmine with your passion, wealth of knowledge, and ideas for programs, and you just need a plan to make it all work. You might even have unused copy, images, or videos that are just sitting there waiting to be used in your awesome online business. You are getting increasingly frustrated and feel left behind when younger and less experienced versions of yourself have more success in less time than you.
It is time for a change and that super duper plan to make you more successful, faster than you could ever do on your own.
It doesn’t matter where you are in your business, everybody needs a plan. Without a plan we don’t know where we are going, what we need to do next, and whether to say yes or no to new opportunities that come our way.
But a plan isn’t enough, you actually need to execute that plan and not overthink every step of the way. Taking fast action – even if it isn't perfect – is better than not making up your mind and constantly missing out.
Just imagine you’ve been so successful in your business that you now want to build your dream house. Would you go ahead and just build your house without a plan? Probably not!
You would first figure out what kind of house you really want.
You would secondly hire an architect to create a blueprint for you.
You would thirdly start with the foundation to make sure the building holds up.
And then you would finally be able to actually build your dream house.
Are you already envisioning your dream house? What about your dream business? Great! You’ve already started with step one!
Now imagine you’ve already got the vision, plan, and foundation in place for your dream business? Is there anything going to stop you from creating that awesome online business? Basically nothing will stop you!
I know, because I have been there, and I have helped hundreds of entrepreneurs turn their passion into a profitable business.
My Story
CEO turned entrepreneur, licensed architect, certified trainer, software engineer, executive MBA
I originally studied architecture but towards the end of my studies I discovered the internet and then there was no turning back. I finished my studies so I am a licensed architect who has never designed a real house! Instead I became an information architect. My love for all things digital was so strong that even after becoming a project manager in a software company, I decided to cement the love with a degree in computer science. But before I could finish my degree, I had been promoted to a CEO and was working around the clock to turn around a software company. I realised that building businesses was my zone of genius – I loved everything about it, the start-up, the growth as well as the turnaround. So with a full-time job I also decided to do an MBA.
After 10 years being a CEO it was time to start my own business. I had always wanted to be my own boss but I was waiting for that super duper business idea that never seemed to come. Then in 2010 I got sick and couldn't work for 7 months. After being sick for so long I just couldn't imagine ever going back to working for someone else. My sickness was a blessing in disguise and I finally founded my company. I started with traditional business consulting but then after six months I restarted my business with online business consulting. Within a year I was making six figures and helping thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world to turn their passion into a profitable business.
Selfie Wall
Entrepreneurs & CEOs from around the world
Working from my home office in Switzerland or Iceland, I love traveling the world and meeting people, especially my digital friends or people I have admired from a distance. My selfies are a way for me to cherish the memories of meeting these wonderful people face to face.
Professional Bio
Lifestyle Entrepreneur, Business Strategist, International Speaker
Sigrun is on a mission to accelerate gender equality through female entrepreneurship. She is the leading business mentor for female online entrepreneurs in Europe, TEDx speaker, and host of the Sigrun Show podcast. Originally from Reykjavik, Iceland, she has spent more than half her life outside her home country; in Germany, United Kingdom, and Switzerland. Since she was a young girl she’s always been drawn to leadership roles, so despite having zero business background nor the education, she made a life-changing phone call and asked to become the CEO of a software company shortly after finishing her master’s degree in architecture – and she got the job!
Ten years, another three master’s degrees, and several CEO roles later, Sigrun found herself in Switzerland with her newfound love but sick and unemployable. Her dream was to be location independent so she could split her time between Iceland and Switzerland, travel the world, and take care of her health. So in 2014, Sigrun started her online business and quickly built a multiple 7 figure coaching business. With a membership, coaching programs and masterminds she helps women from all over the world start, build, and scale their online businesses to 6 and 7 figures. This year she founded a real estate company around two properties and also started her first fund. Her next big project is an international conference in Reykjavik, Iceland; Selfmade Summit in June 2021 (or whenever it will be safe).
Bio in Icelandic
Sigrún er alþjóðlegur viðkiptaþjálfi (business coach) og TEDx fyrirlesari. Hún framleiðir hlaðvarpið The Sigrun Show ásamt því að vera reglulegur gestur á öðrum hlaðvörpum.
Sigrún hefur að mestu búið, stundað nám og starfað erlendis eftir að hún lauk lauk námi í arkitektúr við Tækniháskólann í Karlsruhe, Þýskalandi (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) og upplýsingaarkitektúr við Tækniháskólann í Zurich, Sviss (Federal Institute of Technology Zurich). Í kjölfarið hóf hún störf sem upplýsingarkitekt og síðar deildarstjóri hjá Landmat, sem sérhæfði sig í viðskiptalegri hagnýtingu landupplýsinga. Sigrún hóf nám með vinnu í tölvunarfræði eftir að hafa tekið þátt í FrumkvöðlaAuði þar sem hún lærði að gera viðskiptaáætlanir. Þaðan lá leiðinni í stjórnendastörf hjá upplýsingatæknifyrirtækjum á Íslandi, fyrst hjá veffyrirtækisinu Innn þar sem hún sneri 7 ára í taprekstri á skömmum tíma yfir í hagnað. Eftir þá reynslu tók hún við stjórn Tæknivals aðeins 33 ára gömul uns það var selt 15 mánuðum síðar. Eftir það tók við frekari uppbygging á Innn uns fyrirtækið var selt til 365 árið 2007 og síðar sama ár til Kögunar, sem sameinaði það veffyrirtækinu Eskli. Eftir sameiningu Eskils og Inn lá leið Sigrúnar til London til að klára Executive MBA nám sem hún hafði stundað með vinnu. Sigrún útskrifaðist með EMBA árið 2008 og flutti í kjölfariðtil Sviss þar sem hún tók við framkvæmdastjórastöðu hjá svissnesku lækningatæknifyrirtæki. Hún þurfti að hætta í því starfi vegna stoðverkja og var hún óvinnufær í 7 mánuði vegna verkja. Eftir það tók hún við sem framkvæmdastjóri íslenska fyrirtækisins InfoMentor í Sviss. Ári síðar lagði hún til að fyrirtækið réði frekar framkvæmdastjóra í Þýskalandi til að spara kostnað og lét þá af störfum.
Árið 2014 stofnaði Sigrún ráðgjafafyrirtæki í Sviss með það að markmiði að aðstoða konur við að byggja upp þekkingarfyrirtæki á netinu. Á aðeins sex árum hefur Sigrún byggt upp alþjóðlegt ráðgjafarfyrirtæki sem veltir 250 milljónum króna á ári og vex 30-50% á hverju ári. Viðskiptavinir Sigrúnar eru nú yfir 2000 talsins og hún hefur aðstoðað konur á öllum aldri og frá öllum heimshornum við að byggja fyrirtæki frá engu og upp í hundruð milljónir króna í tekjur.
Sigrún verður með alþjóðlega ráðstefnu í Hörpu 22.-23.júní 2021 og er ráðstefnan sérstaklega fyrir konur sem vilja byggja upp þekkingarfyrirtæki á netinu, karlmenn eru einnig velkomnir. Meiri upplýsingar er að finna á vefslóðinni
Ef þú vilt vita meira um Sigrúnu og námskeiðin sem hún býður upp þá farðu á vefslóðina
Hlaðvarpið The Sigrun Show finnurðu á Apple Podcasts, Spotify, sem og öðrum algengum hlaðvarpsspilurum.