What is the path to a million dollar business? When I started my online business, I had no idea I was going to have a multiple 7-figure business 7 years later, or that I would achieve one million in revenue in 4 years.
I remember not even having these aspirations. I didn’t see myself as someone who could achieve that. Other people were doing it, but me? I hadn’t even started my online business yet. I was throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping that something would stick.
In order to grow my list, started creating freebies and held webinars, but I forgot the most important thing of all: Having an offer ready that I could sell.
On my journey, I went from 1:1 clients to group coaching, from creating my first online course to coming up with my signature course SOMBA, and after four years in business, I hit the $1M mark.
In this episode, I share my path to a million dollar online business, complete with the ups and downs I experienced. I also share the case studies of two special women, Ingrid and Claudia, who are both clients of mine and are on the path to creating a million dollar online business.
With this episode, I want to encourage you. Like me when I started out, you might be someone who can’t imagine ever achieving $1M with your business. But I did it. Ingrid and Claudia are on their way to doing it. And if we can do it, you can do it too. You just need to know the path to get there.
“The reason I reached $1M in revenue is because I had a scalable online course that allowed me to work less and earn more.” - Sigrun
What you will get out of this episode:
- The first months in business (1:54)
- Learning how to launch (8:54)
- Moving over to group coaching (15:12)
- Designing my signature program SOMBA (22:15)
- Working with affiliates (28:32)
- The year I made $1M (29:48)
- The new structure of my programs (34:19)
- Ingrid’s success story (40:31)
- Claudia’s success story (53:30)
- If we can do it, you can do it too (1:14:30)
Want to dive deeper? Find out how you can start and scale your online business without overwhelm and excuses or how to grow your first million.
Curious to learn more about the path to a million dollar business? You can follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.