The next intake for SOMBA KICKSTART will be in January 2025.

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SOMBA Kickstart is currently closed for enrolment.

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The next intake for SOMBA KICKSTART will be in January 2025.

Put your name down and you’ll be first to know when we
open for registration

PLUS get incredible, Insider-only bonuses.



The only program you need to create your first (or next) online course, make sales & kickstart your business success in just 12 weeks.

Your next step for a thriving online business.

SOMBA KICKSTART is a 12-week implementation and accountability group coaching program. You get clear steps to focus on every week - so that you stop overthinking and instead take focused action towards your goals! 87% complete the program during the process. You’ll walk away with a finished course, a list of potentially hundreds of people who are interested in it and you’ll make sales at the very end. Even if you already have an online business or course, Kickstart is invaluable to get you to the next level, get you more reach and to help ensure you set yourself up for growth. This is why we even have women with 6-figure businesses coming back again and again to the Kickstart process!

Are you ready to experience the magic of Kickstart yourself?

Ingrid Dach

Launch Copywriter, Czech Republic

Ingrid is a mom of 3 who went from having no email list and no online business to making 6-figures in her first year and bringing in $400K in 2021.
When Ingrid signed up for Kickstart, she had no email list and little income.

She decided, against our recommendation of not going into debt, still to invest into the program. Over the span of 10 weeks she learned how to build her email list and immediately grew it to 500 subscribers. She learned how to sell online which she had never done before.

She created her first online course in Kickstart and I could barely believe it when I heard she had sold 87 spots! Her course was only $100 but that’s $8700 in 10 weeks. She made her investment back three times!

Ingrid kept going and used what she learned in Kickstart to launch again – this time she made $30K! Her business reached 6 figures within a year and an incredible $400K in 2021, which completely changed Ingrid’s life and the lives of her husband and three young children.
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Ingrid Says...

“I had a $30K launch. I made so much money that I was able to cancel my 1:1s for the rest of the year. Putting an offer out there for this price was way out of my comfort zone, but Sigrun’s program helped me to be confident enough to take the step.

What I like most about it all is that it’s so much fun. Sigrun provides a clear path and process that works and at the same time leaves enough room for me to experiment with my own ideas. She made me see that I don’t have to have so many different offers, but that I benefit much more from strategically choosing where to invest my energy in and offer the right thing.”
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Ingrid Dach

Launch Copywriter, Czech Republic

544 People Signed Up
For My Course​

544 People Signed Up
For My Course​

Even though I was really busy doing 1-1 work with my clients, not a lot of money came in and I was spending less and less time with my family. But after just a couple of weeks in SOMBA Kickstart, I created a valuable online course that helped me scale my business to six figures.

Sigrun didn’t only give me strategic advice, but when I was about to give up, it was her who set me back on track and made me put my offer out there. She helped me completely change my business and life.

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544 People Signed Up For My Course​

544 People Signed Up
For My Course​

Even though I was really busy doing 1-1 work with my clients, not a lot of money came in and I was spending less and less time with my family. But after just a couple of weeks in SOMBA Kickstart, I created a valuable online course that helped me scale my business to six figures.

Sigrun didn’t only give me strategic advice, but when I was about to give up, it was her who set me back on track and made me put my offer out there. She helped me completely change my business and life.

SOMBA Kickstart was the best decision to start 2021 with my newly founded online business! The cheering energy of the community, many great women on the same path, networking, mutual support — in such a short time, it gave my mindset a total boost. It’s a well thought-out program and the mentor team is great.

I learned so much technical stuff and to trust myself in creating online content. I gained confidence with creating videos, and I learned that online groups can deliver transformation and that I’m able to provide such transformation with my concept.

Dagmar Redweik

SOMBA Kickstart helps you to get your business going. I learned a lot about online marketing and creating an online course.

You will love the community! It helps you to reflect and gives you support. It’s so much better to work with a buddy and be able to share and also to ask for help. Kickstart is just great because it’s a well structured program which literally gives you a kickstart for your online presence or business.

There is a lot of work to do and you will learn a lot.

Heike Reinhart

I have been to so many gurus, like Tony Robbins, Jeff Walker, Perry Marshall, Lisa Sasevich – they were all good, but Sigrun is great!

SOMBA Kickstart is all you need when you want to run an online business. From the beginning till the end there is guidance, templates, and training available to get your business up and running. I learned the entire process, from the tools to the delivery.

I'm confident now my business will finally work online because I found the gaps in my business machine. I'm determined to make my online business as successful or even more successful than my offline business!

Christine Boers-Doets


Yes, Kickstart is designed for women in all stages of online business, also those who are just starting out and testing their idea. If you haven't nailed down your idea before you join, it's not a problem, we will help you get clear in the first weeks. All you need to know before you join is that you're serious about growing a successful and profitable online business and taking action. I've got the rest covered.

No, don't wait! This is a classic mistake people make – waiting for the perfect idea to come but this is the overthinking trap. We will help you find your course idea in under an hour with a special live bonus workshop with Sigrun.

KICKSTART is about building your business and creating our online course so it is 90% action and 10% inspiration and content. Ideally you devote about 1 hour a day to KICKSTART!
Yes, absolutely! We’ve helped lots of people take their offline businesses online and the KICKSTART process will be perfect to fast-track your results!

If you follow the process, you will be able to make sales during the final upsell part of the process. Many Kickstarts make their investment back many times over and bring in multiple 5 figures. But of course we cannot guarantee your sales and it’s all up to you and whether you're showing up and taking consistent action. But if you are serious about growing your business, getting started and creating your first or next online course with momentum, then Kickstart is perfect for you.

No! Building an email list of ideal clients and excited buyers is one of the biggest benefits of doing KICKSTART. So it doesn’t matter whether you start at zero or you already have hundreds of people on your list.
Through the coaching sessions, Q and A and the private Facebook group, you will get the help and support you need to start selling and marketing your offer, but there is no 1-1 coaching from Sigrun or Team Sigrun coaches.
SOMBA KICKSTART is in English but it is in easy understandable English for non-native English speakers.
The coaching calls take place on Zoom (an online conferencing platform) and you’ll receive content and support through a private Facebook group. All the sessions are recorded so you can watch them later during the course of the program via our course platform.
This program is more suited for those who have a service-based business and can launch those offers.

No. I have developed the SOMBA Kickstart process so that you can do the shortcut to quicker scalable business.

Get on the SOMBA Kickstart Insider List now and we'll share an early bonus offer with you before we officially open the doors again!

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SOMBA Kickstart Insider List!

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Picture of Ingrid Dach

Ingrid Dach

“I was working long hours doing 1-1 and had no idea how to continue in my career. After just a couple of weeks in SOMBA Kickstart, I created a valuable online course, sold 87 spots in my upsell and made $8700. I upgraded to Momentum and went on to have my first six-figure launch.”

I have a PhD in physics and spent a lot of time abroad for work, but after having two kids, I decided to leave the science world. I started an online business as a copywriter and attracted a lot of female entrepreneurs, so I decided to make this my niche. I was really busy doing 1-1 work with my clients, and when my third baby was born last summer, I started going back to work after only one month. This meant that I was spending less time with my family, and even though I worked so many hours, not a lot of money was coming in. It wasn’t how I wanted to continue, and I knew something had to change. I had been following Sigrun for about half a year by then and liked her videos and freebies. I felt that she could be the one to help me find the perfect strategy for my business.


I started saving up money to join SOMBA Kickstart. My husband was shocked at first that I wanted to invest that kind of money in a program, and we even talked about using the money to go on vacation instead. But I felt that if I didn’t do it, I would stop myself from growing. I knew it was right to invest in my business. Just a couple of days before the cart closed, I had the right amount of money on my account and joined.


At first I felt a bit scared. I was about to do things I’ve never done before — build an email list, invest in advertisements, create an online course — but I followed the steps and had an amazing realisation: I already had all the knowledge and content to create a course, I just needed to structure it.


544 people signed up for my course about how to write your “about me” page, and I sold 87 spots in my upsell. In two months, I made $8700.


But something else happened, too. I had a huge mindset shift. Since I was a child, I was afraid to speak up, to be visible. I was scared to run Facebook ads, because it meant that people who didn’t know me could judge me. But I put myself out there and it was the biggest challenge and the biggest achievement I had in these 10 weeks. Now, I have no problem stepping in front of the camera and I’m much more active in my Facebook group. I gained so much confidence and self-esteem.


I learned that it’s so important to have support, and that’s exactly what I got throughout Kickstart. Every time I was stuck, I could ask for help. It was such a relief, not having to spend hours figuring everything out by myself. Everyone in the group was at the same stage and we encouraged and supported each other, sharing our doubts, feelings and breakthroughs. But the most important thing for me remains my mindset shift, and Sigrun helped me with that. She didn’t only give me strategic advice, but when I was about to give up, it was her who set me back on track and made me put my offer out there.


After Kickstart, I continued my journey with Momentum because I wanted to scale my business. In the following months, I had a $39K and then a $150K launch. Before Sigrun, I made $2K-$3K a month. I never imagined to have such big launches. I was completely blown away.


In the last months, I was able to retire my husband, buy a new car, spend more time with my kids, and we are moving into a new house soon. I never would have thought I could change my business and life in such a short time.